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Friday, May 22, 2009

What is the initial amount of time an employer takes to review an applicant’s resume?

What is the initial amount of time an employer takes to review an applicant’s resume?

Answer: 30-45 seconds

Is your resume good enough to "hook" the employer is 30 -45 seconds?

The first half of the first page is all the average employer will see when making an initial scan of your resume. Make sure it has your main attention grabbing point in it.

What do you have to offer the employer that s/he most wants? What can you do for him/her that other applicants probably can't? What special skils, experience, personal qualities do you bring? What makes you a good fit for this job/ company?

You only have one chance to make a first impression, and with your resume this first impression is created by the first half of the first page.

Make is strong.

A note on cover letters ... only 50% of employers even read your cover letter, so for those who don't, the first page of your resume is your initial introduction.

Think like an employer. What does s/he want? Do you have it? If so, tell 'em!