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Saturday, July 11, 2009

Cloud Resumes

I have recently discovered some "Cloud Resumes" and wonder what on earth these people are thinking!

A "Cloud", in case you are unfamiliar with the term, is a graphically pleasing way to illustrate a list or large group of words.

In the case of a cloud resume, it involves writing out a list of your skills and personal qualities (so far I'm with you - you need this for your resume), then you graphically arrange them in a "cloud" or roughly cloud shaped grouping, with each item in a different size, font and varying shades of black through grey, sometimes colored.

It looks very attractive. But it is not a good representation of who you are or what you can do, unless you are looking for a job as a graphic designer!

So whether it's a cloud or some other creative form of resume, stay away from it - again unless you are looking for a job in the creative, artistic areas of work. Most employers would perhaps be amused, perhaps be exasperated, but either way it is highly unlikely you would land an interview.

Looking for a job is a serious business, so stick to business and keep ultra creativity, no matter how visually pleasing, for a more appropriate place and time.

Here are some really great products to help you with your resume:

Amazing Resumes! - Hugely Popular Software

Guerrilla Resumes - Authors Are Regularly In The Wall Street Journal, Ny Times, And Other Media

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