Activated, initiated, created: these are all action verbs. They state that you DID something.
Was taught, was given: these are passive verbs. They state that someone else did something and you benefited. Why should an employer be interested in you because someone else did something for you?
Here are a few more action verbs.
- accomplished
- achieved
- adoped
- adjusted
- advised
- assessed
- assisted
- attained
- audgeted
- calculated
- completed
- contributed
- decreased
- reparied
- delivered
- designed
- developed
- doubled/ tripled
- elimiated
- established
- executed
- improved
- increased
- inspected
- installed
- maintained
- obtained
- operated
- organized
- persuaded
- prepared
- proposed
- realized
- reduced
- saved
- selected
- sold
- solved
- succeeded
- upgraded
- won
- instructed
- trouble-shot
- uncovered
These are just a few to get you started. Remember employers want employees who take action themselves, not rely on others to do it for them. So use action verbs in your resume and cover letter to show the employer what you have done so s/he gets a good idea of what you can do for him or her.
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