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Sunday, December 28, 2008

Resume formats: do I write my interests in my resume?

Should you write your interests in your resume?

Answer: it depends!

If your interests are strongly connected to the position for which you are applying, or any part of that job, then yes, it's a good idea to include them if you have room. But if you're short of space, it's not that important.

If your interests have nothing to do with the type of work you want to do, in any way, shape or form, then no, do not put them in. All you might do it attract attention away from your relevant skills.

The one time your interests absolutely should be included are when you are using skils gained through them, to get this job.

Let's say I want a job working in a music store.

I have never worked in a music store, and have very little customer service experience at all. Why would they hire me?

Well, if I could put a section of "interests" in my resume in which I outline in detail what I have done that is music related: if I play instruments, sing in a choir, listen to any specific type of music, go to live band shows etc.

All of this would show not only a keen interest, but a general knowledge of the subject built up through my interest and would therefore very good to put on my resume when looking for a music related job.

So be very selective about the interests you include in your resume.

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